Lady Gaga – Air Canada Centre 03/03/2011

March 3, 2011 at 8:51 pm | Posted in Air Canada Centre, Lady Gaga, Mary's Events, Matt's Events, Scissor Sisters | Leave a comment
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Originally we weren’t going to see The Monster Ball a second time, since the tickets went onsale at the same time as the July 2010 concert. However, as the date got closer, it seemed like something we’d regret not going to (Mary still regrets missing Gaga at Elements in Kitchener before she blew up), so I bought floor tickets for Mary’s Christmas gift. Seeing The Monster Ball from the floor was a completely different experience. Opening act Scissor Sisters were not our cup of tea, their brand of music is high energy but not something I’d have seen on purpose. There was an extremely, painfully long turnaround time between the openers and Gaga. She hit the stage nearly 90 minutes past the originally scheduled time, but it ended up being worth the wait. We were directly in front of the runway part of the stage, so there were moments in the show when Gaga was literally 10 feet away. Incredible to see this theatrical show from such a great vantage point. Also, Maria Aragon, the young youtube sensation from Winnipeg was at the show and joined Gaga for both a piano version of “Born This Way” in the middle of the set and the full on real version during the encore. An awesome night.

Dance in the Dark
Glitter and Grease
Just Dance
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
The Fame
Boys Boys Boys
Money Honey
Born This Way (Piano Version With Maria Aragon)
YoĆ¼ and I
Poker Face

Bad Romance

Born This Way

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