Aziz Ansari – Wintergarden Theatre 07/09/2010

July 9, 2010 at 8:14 pm | Posted in Aziz Ansari, Comedian, Mary's Events, Matt's Events, Steph's Events, Todd Barry, Winter Garden Theatre | Leave a comment
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Having been a huge fan of Human Giant and Parks & Recreation, we were really excited to see Aziz Ansari live. Originally we bought tickets to see him at 7:00pm but then they added a late show, which we scored better tickets for, so we saw the 9:30pm performance. Todd Barry opened the show and as usual, he killed. I loves me some Todd Barry. Then it was time for Aziz. The Dangerously Delicious tour was hilarious. He told some classic R-Kelly stories, did most of his “greatest hits” and although he refused to appear as Raaaaaaaandy! it was a great night. Since we were already there late, we decided to hang around the back doors to see if we could catch a glimpse of Aziz as he left – we did and got autographs and photos. It was slightly awkward because he wasn’t very talkative (can’t blame him, he’d be tired after 2 shows) but I told him how much I loved Parks & Rec and was hoping for another Human Giant reunion in the future. Mary was pissed that she wasn’t standing beside him in the photo 😉

Before the show, we killed some time in Yonge-Dundas square and the guy from Cash Cab was there doing some trivia – I won a mug, which I then had to carry for the rest of the evening. When we met Todd Barry by the merch table he remarked sarcastically “Oh cool, you brought your own mug”.

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